Welcome to The Loony Planet!

Greetings! You're here because you were wondering, "Hmm where can I run to escape from myself?" Yes, I'm talking about your sad, lonely, and pathetic self! You're too wound up. You've got to loosen up! And I can help you (or at least, I think I can), you know why? Because in the real world, you and I are not so different. We're sick and tired of trying so hard to be perfect! Sick and tired of putting on a straight face and pretending that everything is all right! Sick and tired of trying so hard to meet expectations! Sick and tired of people telling us what to do! Sick and tired of all the hate, the injustice, and the cruelty in the world around us!

Well, I got news for you. In this loony world, you're free! Whatever you've got bottled up inside, you can let it out. You can block out all that poison that's taking over your mind from the real world. Release yourself from the clutches of your so-called, fast-paced life! Close your eyes and let your imagination run wild! You're unique imagination is the key here. Let it take over you. Just this once. Together, you and I can discover new things and new possibilities! So come along, and let's venture into this dark, loony world! Enjoy your stay and keep visiting!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Loonar Eclipse

A few fortnights ago, similar to our counterparts back in the Real World, us Looners also witnessed a rare and glorious sighting - a Loonar Eclipse! Yes, remember the Lunar Eclipse you studied about in Science class back in Junior High? No? Remember the terms Umbra and Penumbra? Or do you at least remember how your mouth resembled that of a fish when you said Umbra and Penumbra in rapid fire succession? Umbra-Penumbra-Umbra-Penumbra-Umbra-Penumbra! Still drawing a blank? Not to worry, let me re-enlighten you. Only this time, it will be better than how your Science teacher taught you… or didn’t bother to teach you! The Science behind the Lunar Eclipse is no rocket science! In a nutshell, this phenomenon occurs when the Earth becomes sandwiched between the Moon and the Sun for a limited period of time. Back on Earth they call it a Lunar Eclipse. On the other hand, we Looners, refer to it simply as a Loonar Eclipse – adding a pinch of the Loony Effect to the term. 

So why is the Loonar Eclipse so important to us Looners? Well, throughout it's duration not only is it a unique, pleasant sight, but a pinnacle of peace for all of us. This time of year, I decided to camp out on the hills close to Loony Lovers Point just in time to witness the Moonrise followed by the main event - the Loonar Eclipse. Since the sun only rises and sets here in the Loony World and doesn’t linger around in the timeframe in between, it was dusk already when I set up camp. Initially, from where I was sitting, I could see an endless array of uneven grassy hills, surrounded by towering pine trees and lush green foliage. Luckily, the sky wasn't shrouded with dark grey clouds, but a few strands of clouds were scattered here and there. After a few moments, I watched in awe as the Moon slowly rose from among the uneven hills, making its way on the horizon. At first, it was pale yellow in color, not the usual bright white. As it ascended higher, it transitioned into a pale orange. Eventually, the Moon turned into a fiery red color, which was the ultimate sign that the Loonar Eclipse phenomenon was taking place. As a result, everyone and everything in the Loony World came to a standstill. It was like I was frozen in time for a few moments. All the kids stopped playing and frolicking. Babies stopped crying. All the Loony Hooligans immediately ended their shenanigans. Couples making out on Loony Lovers Point ceased making out. The music around me stopped playing. It was a scene of pure dead silence where everyone focused all their attention on that marvel of the universe taking place in the night sky. I was left astounded by the sudden serenity. Never has my soul felt so relaxed and free of worldly troubles. All in all, it's fascinating how a mere heavenly phenomenon can soothe your soul for just a few moments. All you gotta do is take these few moments of tranquility and make them last forever in your mind.    

1 comment:

  1. Most definitely science as one of the most interesting subjects that was taught in the worst way possible! But this looney lesson makes it wonderfully clear to me :D
