Welcome to The Loony Planet!

Greetings! You're here because you were wondering, "Hmm where can I run to escape from myself?" Yes, I'm talking about your sad, lonely, and pathetic self! You're too wound up. You've got to loosen up! And I can help you (or at least, I think I can), you know why? Because in the real world, you and I are not so different. We're sick and tired of trying so hard to be perfect! Sick and tired of putting on a straight face and pretending that everything is all right! Sick and tired of trying so hard to meet expectations! Sick and tired of people telling us what to do! Sick and tired of all the hate, the injustice, and the cruelty in the world around us!

Well, I got news for you. In this loony world, you're free! Whatever you've got bottled up inside, you can let it out. You can block out all that poison that's taking over your mind from the real world. Release yourself from the clutches of your so-called, fast-paced life! Close your eyes and let your imagination run wild! You're unique imagination is the key here. Let it take over you. Just this once. Together, you and I can discover new things and new possibilities! So come along, and let's venture into this dark, loony world! Enjoy your stay and keep visiting!

Friday, November 4, 2011

You Should Be Dancing

Here's a little thing we like to do in the Loony World. It's called dancing! *does a little jig* Yes, dancing! Can you feel the energy as I say...DANCING? Good! :D When was the last time you danced? At prom? At some wedding? When you nailed that one exam you thought you were gonna surely fail? When you got the green light to meet someone you had a crush on for coffee? Or was it when you graduated? Or when after all your hard work during the day your boss patted you on the back and said, "Well done!" ? Or when your favorite team won your favorite sports match? Whatever the reason may be, I'm sure you've danced at some point in your life! Even if you haven't and probably think you're not much of a dancer, then here in the Loony World you're gonna like dancing, because you don't have to be good at dancing or think that you're bad at it! Dancing is dancing! You move and shake your body to music and that's it! Moreover, there is no dancing competition here in the Loony World nor is there anyone to judge your each and every dance move! You are free to dance anywhere you want to here! All you need is music to dance to. Lucky for you, you can dance to any tune you wish! I've been dancing to disco music lately. Call me retro, old-fashioned, or even nostalgic, I don't care! There's something about disco music that just coaxes you to groove! They say disco is dead in the real world. Well, I got news for you...disco is not dead here! Allow me to to enlighten you with my favorite tracks of disco music that I enjoy dancing to and that have been lost in the sands of time in the real world:

1) You Should Be Dancing by The Bee Gees


2) Night Fever by The Bee Gees

3) Dancing Queen by ABBA

4) Fernando by ABBA